Sunday, April 22, 2012

“This is what the path of Dharma is like. It's not that you have to do all the practices. It is sufficient to take just one of them, whichever one you really have an affinity with, and through practicing that one alone, for the rest of your life, you will achieve enlightenment. Whichever practice you choose doesn't matter; they are all valid methods for achieving enlightenment—if you practice. The key is to practice with diligence for the rest of your life.”

Dhomang Yangthang,
The Union of Dzogchen and Mahamudra

A Bodhisattva Prayer

From now on, until I achieve enlightenment, I rely on you.Please give me wisdom to escape samsara.

If I am supposed to get sick, let me get sick, and I’ll be happy.May this sickness purify my negative karma and the sickness of all sentient beings

If I am supposed to be healed, let all my sickness and confusion be healed, and I’ll be happy.May all sentient beings be healed and filled with happiness.

If I am supposed to die, let me die, and I’ll be happy. May all the delusion and causes of suffering of beings die.

If I am supposed to live a long life, let me live a long life, and I’ll be happy. May my life be meaningful in service to sentient beings.

If my life is cut short, let it be cut short, and I’ll be happy. May I and all others be free from attachment and aversion.

Mind’s ultimate nature

Mind’s ultimate nature, emptiness endowed with vividness,
I was told is the real Buddha.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with thoughts of hierarchy.

Mind’s ultimate nature, its emptiness aspect,
I was told is the real Dharma.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with thoughts of political correctness.

Mind’s ultimate nature, its vivid aspect,
I was told is the real Sangha.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with thoughts of equal rights.

One cannot disassociate emptiness from vividness.
This inseparability I was told is the Guru.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with depending on chauvinist lamas.

This nature of mind has never been stained by duality,
This stainlessness I was told is the deity.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with the categories of “gender” or “culture.”

This nature of mind is spontaneously present.
That spontaneity I was told is the dakini aspect.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with fear of being sued.

~Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche~

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Gentle Rain of Nectar Blessings

Although mind is clear, one needs a Lama;
Although a lamp burns brightly, it still needs oil;
Although Mind is self-evident, it needs recognition.
That is the teaching on the Three Needs.

Drugpa Kunley

Friday, April 13, 2012

Let it be :-)

When one realizes oneself, one realizes the essential nature of
the universe. The existence of duality is only an illusion and
when the illusion is undone, the primordial unity of one's own
nature and the nature of the universe is realized, or made real.

~Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche