Saturday, September 14, 2013


Prophecies made by Guru Rinpoche more than a thousand years ago

-Many people are familiar with the prophecies of Nostradamus made more than seven hundred years ago, but few people are aware of the prophecies made by Padmasambhava (also known as Guru Rinpoche), the founder of Tibetan Buddhism, more than one thousand years ago.

When asked by his disciple when is the beginning of Dharma-ending age, Guru Rinpoche replied; “When the Iron Birds(1) are flying in the sky and the Iron Horses(1) are running on the roads, we know that dharma-ending age has arrived. At this time, Tibetan Buddhism shall flourish globally. When the iron bird flies and the horses run on wheels, the Tibetan people will be scattered like ants across the world, and the Dharma will come to the land of the red men (Western Countries).

In this Dharma-ending age, “Rulers do not act like Rulers, Subjects do not act like Subjects, Fathers do no act like Fathers, Sons do not act like Sons” (2), the relationships between Fathers and Sons are more like Playmates. Women do not honor and uphold chastity; men indulge in lust and unrestrained sexual misconducts.

1) Iron Birds and Iron Horses are known now as Airplanes, Cars and Trains.
2) This reminds me of Confucius’ Analects: “...ruler be a ruler, the subject a subject, the father a father, the son a son”, with regards to maintaining a world of order. What this means is that ruler shall uphold the duty as a ruler by serving the interests of the citizens. The citizens shall behave like citizens, by being law-abiding, respect the authorities and maintain law and order. Parents should act as parents by being providers, teachers and guardians to their children. Children shall be obedient and respect their parents.

Guru Rinpoche further prophesied that in that era (or rather now), carriages do not require horses to move, they self-propel (3). Youngsters in that era step on something that shaped like a bullhorn and there are wheels underneath that allow them to skate everywhere (4). It is even stranger that people in that era do not need to leave their houses to know things that happen around the world, just by sitting in front of a mirror (5).

(3, 4, 5) Car, Skateboard, Roller Blades, TV and LCD panels, i.e. computer with internet connections.

Guru Rinpoche further said that in that era, many ordained monks are greedy and pursue wealth and fame. They travel everywhere to cheat on their followers. They plan and think of ways to get offerings and donations from followers and possess their own private wealth and properties, yet they do not engage in any Buddhist practices or chanting on their own. They indulge in music, dance and entertainments. They break precepts and vows without any remorse (6).

6) This is happening now. Bogus monks are everywhere especially in the Eastern countries. This prophecy coincides with Buddha’s prediction that “There is no disappearing of the true Dhamma until a counterfeit Dhamma arises in the world. Once a counterfeit Dhamma arises then there is a disappearing of the true Dhamma.”

When i read that The Buddha told his disciples the most important sutra of all, the Surangama Sutra, should be the first to be destroyed, i asked myself how could any teaching be destroyed at this digital age? I could print a thousands copies and bury them underground and someday someone would dig it up and revives the teachings again. Or i could upload copies of the sutra to all the available servers on the internet. How could it possibly be destroyed?

Then one day, while doing research and reading news regarding some Buddhist sect in Taiwan proclaiming that the Surangama Sutra is fake and that Buddha never taught that, do i realize what Buddha meant by "Destroy". This realization was brought to me by a renowned Buddhist master over a seminar that Sutras do not get destroyed physically, they are destroyed by being "discredited". In other words, by saying that Surangama Sutra is fake and that Buddha never taught it, nobody will ever read or touch that Sutra again and that is how it is "destroyed". And so this should also happen to Buddhism when the Dharma ends and nobody has faith or believe in it anymore.

With regards to mundane lives, Guru Rinpoche commented that in that era, husband and wife relationship shall be ruined and damaged by so-called “double-tongues” women, who instigate, provoke and create disharmony within families(7). Unfilial sons and daughters will chase their parents out from home. Brothers and sisters shall fight among themselves for inheritance, and violate the five precepts without remorse. Buddha’s teaching gradually faded and eventually lost. There shall be incest among the closest kin. Many people shall be addicted to gambling, drugs and alcohol. Buddhas’ statues and paintings, Buddhist ritual instruments are sold in flea markets on the streets (8). Vintage valuables passed down from generations to generations shall be sold and auctioned in international markets. Deforestation and over exploitation of nature causes ecological imbalances thereby resulting in frequent natural disasters. Thieves and robberies shall infest the entire city and paupers and beggars are seen everywhere.

7) The word “double-tongues” mentioned is what is known to us now as “double-headed”. He specifies women that include friends, relatives and kin. This means friends and kins deliberately giving bad advises and information to create disharmony between husbands and wives and eventually breaking up families.
It was mentioned that the karma for such phenomenon is the widespread of infectious diseases.

In the year of metal dragon (9), demons entered the water (10). In the year of Metal Snake(11), demons entered the wind and thunder frost hail, wreaking havoc and creating disasters for many (12). In the year of Water Goat (13), here shall be widespread of infectious diseases (14).

9) Year 2000 is the year of Metal Dragon based on the Tibetan Calendar.
10) On August 12, 2000, the Russian Oscar II class submarine Kursk sank in the Barents Sea and exploded.
11) Year 2001 is the year of Metal Snake based on the Tibetan Calendar.
12) i) Tropical Storm Allison that devastated southeast Texas happened in June
ii) The 2001 Gujarat earthquake occurred in India, killing 20,000 people and causing injuries to 166,000 others.
13) Year 2003 is the year of Water Goat based on the Tibetan Calendar.
14) The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) happened in 2003.

These incidents might not "appear" to be catastrophic or on global scale. Similar to Chinese Calendar, the Tibetan Calender Year has a 60 years cycle. For instance, in year 2000 it was year of Metal Dragon and in the year of 2060 it should be another year of Metal Dragon. Should He could be referred to any year with that specific Element-Animal.

Alcoholics shall die of cerebrovascular diseases; gamblers shall die of stomach disorder; slander shall die of throat-related diseases; heavy smokers shall die of lungs diseases; over consumption of eggs, garlic and onion causes frequent nightmares resulting in mental disturbances and eventually related death; hunters and slaughter of animals shall die of liver and intestines related diseases, sinners and those with heavy bad karma shall die of many types of diseases that are painful and sufferings.

The year of Wood Rooster is when the strength of Buddhism is the weakest. Evil spirits and demons shall take opportunity at this time to wrench more havocs and creating more damages.
In the year of Earth Ox15, there shall be wars among countries and many people shall perish.

15) 2009 is the Year of Earth Ox based on the Tibetan Calendar. However it might not necessary be this year. It could be another cycle of Earth Ox which is 60 years from now. But for sure in 2009 we have encountered frequent natural disasters of different scale.