Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Prayer for cyberspace by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche

Namo ākāśagarbhāya oṃ ārya kamari mauli svāhā

Oh bodhisattva mahasattva!

As I prostrate at your lotus feet,
I offer everything I can name and understand,And all my mind’s conjurings,As well as everything that exists, inconceivable and undreamed of,Throughout immeasurable space.
To you, who are the very essence of space,
I offer praise.
Bless this cyber-space with comfort, bliss and enlightenment
Unburden our misgivings;
May it be of benefit to myself and others.
Purify all that sullies and despoils us,
And the profligate displays,
That throng and colour this space.

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