Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Vajra body

"The 'Vajra Body' is the name given to the human body with its Inner Mandala, or subtle energy system, when it is used as a basis for practice to achieve realization. The Inner Mandala consists in three elements: the first is the structured net of vital, subtle energy-currents (which in some cases correspond respond to physical channels, and in some cases have no such correspondence), called nadi in Sanskrit and tsa in Tibetan; the second is the flow of vital, subtle energy through the organism, which is associated to breathing and that is called vayu or prana in Sanskrit and lung in Tibetan; and the third is subtle energy in its essential form, which in Tibetan is called thigle and in Sanskrit is called kundalini or bindu, and that is not something separate from the prana or lung: thigle is the very essence of the lung."
Namkhai Norbu

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